Manifesto from Lorraine
A poetical motorised sound sculpture, consisting of a loudspeaker made from “pâte de verre” glass. It addresses the public with agile movements and proclaims recorded manifestoes of different subjects, ...
A poetical motorised sound sculpture, consisting of a loudspeaker made from “pâte de verre” glass. It addresses the public with agile movements and proclaims recorded manifestoes of different subjects, ...
With The Fool’s Ballad, Zahra Poonawala gives a new opportunity to travel both inside and in the company of a sound. This installation is a continuation of previous works which already presented sound not as an impenetrable surface but as a volume to be traveled in...
Noir. Bruits de mise en place.Quelques consignes en allemand.Silence. Respiration.Clap.Soudain, la musique jaillit et une constellation lumineuse apparaît sur l’écran noir. Telles des notes se déplaçant sur une portée, les points lumineux semblent virevolter au son de la musique. Un…
For a split second, the town becomes a city on a hillside along the banks of an alpine lake, an open-air souk in Morocco, a resort by the sea in California, a town under alert in Japan or amongst many more, an amusement park in France...
The installation « Vibrations » was created for an old cool-house in Wattwiller. This cellar has now been given other usages but continues to garantee freshness, as it is located underground and by a stream...
Cette performance musicale est entièrement acoustique et prend des formes différentes selon l’endroit où elle se déroule et l’instrumentation de l’ensemble. Tantôt installés aux balcons et fenêtres d’une cour, tantôt dans les escaliers et différents étages d’un intérieur, les musiciens entourent…
This interactive sound installation attempts to further a study begun a few years ago, which questions the sound and the visual relationships between a part and a whole, between the production and perception of sound. Whereas earlier works were static in their presentation, ...
Symphonic Aphony is a dreamt concert, in which fragments of a musical and cinematic discourse are stitched together through sounds and images, the visual components being woven with the thread of sound that the ear follows. Within a single space of permanent transition, ...