For a split second, the town becomes a city on a hillside along the banks of an alpine lake, an open-air souk in Morocco, a resort by the sea in California, a town under alert in Japan or amongst many more, an amusement park in France. Triggered by movement, a flow of words and sounds travel to the passer-by, calling for attention, prayer, desire or danger. The Public Address System loudspeakers chatter out announcements collected overseas and locally, surrounding anyone who approaches.
This installation was created during a residency with Horizome (Hautepierre, Strasbourg 2012) and was laureate of Imagina Atlantica Award with Les Ensembles 2.2
Sélestat, Frac Alsace, commissaires F. Diering & H. Piehler
Strasbourg, « Bastion Commun » Les Commissaires Anonymes
Le Cateau-Cambrésis, Musée Matisse, commissaire Carrie Pilto
Freibourg im Brisgau, « Sound Surrounds », E-Werk, , Allemagne
Mons, Belgique, City Sonic, Festival des arts Sonores
Cesis international festival, commissaire Kestutis Kuizinas, Lettonie
Bâle, Suisse, Public Address System (version web) « Regionale 9 » Plug.In, commissaires Irene Grillo et Raffaël Dörig